Law Have Mercy! Check out Attorney Chaz Roberts' podcast. Tackling important legal matters in the community.

Check out out attorney Chaz Roberts' podcast Law Have Mercy today!

Law Have Mercy

Attorney and Founding Partner Chaz Roberts Featured by for podcast “Law Have Mercy!”

The team at Chaz Roberts Law is proud to share some exciting news! Founding partner and personal injury attorney, Chaz H. Roberts, was recently featured in an industry interview with to discuss the Law Have Mercy! podcast and inspire other legal professionals to start a podcast of their own! According to a rep from, Chaz was selected for the feature based on the high-quality content, production and promotion of the podcast since it's debut earlier this year (Jan 2023). The interview ran in the August 2023 Premium Member newsletter which goes out to hundreds of premium members, the vast majority of whom are other attorneys & legal professionals. Law Have Mercy!-- which Chaz co-created, co-produces and hosts-- is still in its infancy but has garnered praise for its candor and educational value, both from fellow legal professionals and regular citizens alike. New full-length episodes of the podcast are released bi-monthly in both audio (Spotify, Apple Podcasts, our website player, or any other podcast streaming platform), AND video (Youtube) formats. The podcast is even popular amongst those who don't stream full podcast episodes, thanks to the short video clips that Chaz & his team cut from each full episode to share with friends & followers of the law firm's social media accounts! Indeed, bits and pieces of Chaz's conversations with various guests from past episodes have been watched and shared millions of times on social media by users from across the world! Check out the full interview with below and let us know what you think in the comments! Don’t forget to download and stream Law Have Mercy! wherever you get your podcasts! Be sure to follow, Rate/review, and SHARE to show your maximum support. As always, thanks for the support!

Attorney and Founding Partner Chaz Roberts Featured by for podcast “Law Have Mercy!” featured this dapper image of Chaz alongside his interview. It’s definitely giving “innovative tech-savvy-attorney” vibes, don’t you think? Article: 1. Thank you for joining us, Chaz! Could you tell us a little bit about yourself? Where to start? I am married to a saint of a woman, Beth, and proud father to two awesome boys, Jake and Luke, whom I am fortunate enough to coach in soccer, football, and baseball. I run marathons and will run the Berlin and Chicago marathons two weeks apart this fall! I also took up boxing in November and hope to experience my first real fight soon. I enjoy sharing parts of my personal life with my social media audience and I believe sharing the raw and real parts of our lives is what makes us relatable and sometimes even inspirational to others. I am from a small town which played a huge part in shaping the "underdog" mentality that has served me so well in my career as a personal injury lawyer. I am obsessed with helping and fighting for people and have been this way since I was a little boy. My office is located in Lafayette, Louisiana. I never lead with my title as a lawyer because I believe our humanity is so much more than our title or what we do for a living. 2. Could you tell us about your podcast - LAW HAVE MERCY? What topics do you typically discuss on the show? First, how about a round of applause for the name, right? "Law Have Mercy" is a Southern slang derivative of the colloquial phrase "Lord Have Mercy!", often used to relay surprise or shock at outrageous behavior. Unfortunately, when we were naming the podcast, our first choice "Law'd have mercy" was taken, so we quickly settled on "Law Have Mercy!" and it stuck instantly. Personally, I like to think the name of the podcast is a perfect representation of its origin and personality-- equal parts Clever, Community, & Law. I think in many ways, the podcast was a natural and organic extension of what I've always been striving for in my pursuit and practice of the law-- educating & sharing the law. I've been doing this on social media for years and, earlier in my career, I spent five years as a public defender where my clients could not afford to pay me, but still deserved and received zealous advocacy, which I found quite fulfilling. My passion for helping others by sharing the law is rooted in the lessons I learned while growing up in a small town as the child of a single mother: I remember the struggle of not knowing any lawyers or having access to the law within our community. I know that citizens who do not have access to a lawyer they trust are at a huge disadvantage and that, sometimes, the stakes are very high. I realize that the law touches just about every part of the human experience. I believe that sharing education about the law across our communities through intelligent discussion, first-hand accounts, and thoughtful, respectful questions is how we create connections, reduce disparities, and improve communities. To bring it full circle and put it simply-- the purpose of my podcast is to educate the public on the law - for free! Each episode, I interview a lawyer in a different area of the law-- i.e. family law, criminal defense, bankruptcy, estate planning, cyber law, etc.. I sit in the seat as a potential client and ask questions that the normal and common man would want to know and find helpful. By the time this goes to publication, we will have released roughly 15 episodes of the podcast since our Season 1 debut in January of this year, which I'm proud of. I firmly believe that we must be generous to others with our gifts. I am fortunate to know so many amazing lawyers in different areas who are willing to give up their time and expertise to help others and it is a beautiful thing. I am really enjoying it and I find it very rewarding. 3. Why do you think it's important for attorneys to have their own podcast like you do? Any advice on starting one? A podcast is a long form conversation and we have the opportunity to show the world who we really are. My social media clips are typically twenty to thirty seconds, while a podcast episode is anywhere from twenty minutes to an hour. I remember sitting with another lawyer at a conference and he said, "Chaz, no offense, but after spending some time with you, I realize you are a real deal lawyer and much smarter than you come across on social media." I thanked him for his honesty. He was right. In our attempt to fit into people's short attention spans on social media, we have to come across a certain way. A podcast is a long form conversation, and we can speak freely and show the world who we really are. The downside is that it takes time and energy! My advice would be to hire someone who produces podcasts and has all of the equipment and understanding of how to publish. A lot of people own all of the equipment money can buy BUT they haven't published a single episode. Oh, and one last tip-- Publish your content without looking at the data or number of downloads for a long time. You will not be Joe Rogan overnight! You are only trying to help one person with each episode. If you make one life better each episode, you are doing your part and it is a worthwhile venture! You can listen to the Law Have Mercy! podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Youtube, the podcast page on our website, or wherever else you get your podcasts. Watch video of all full episodes on the firm’s YouTube channel, @ChazRobertsLaw. If you are interested in being a guest on Law Have Mercy! or, to get more advice on starting your own podcast, connect with Chaz and his team on social media @ChazRobertsLaw, click here to send a message or simply call our office at 337-504-3202.


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